Java JRE error of 1603 during installation as required for Sprinter
Question ID: 106336

I am using Sprinter 12.01. For my application under test, I chose Java. When I chose this I got a message that JRE was not installed.

I downloaded the offline java installer and when I ran it, it looks to install but throws error 1603 and installation is set to close. After I hit close, I get a message that this program did not install correctly. Tried it a few times, same issue repeats.

I need the java for my app to test so how can I fix this? Tried some things I found online about getting around the java error, but I still get the same result of 1603 error.

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Posted by (Questions: 56, Answers: 1)
Asked on August 13, 2015 7:07 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer


Sprinter and its agent run a conflict for the Java installer. To get around this, uninstall Sprinter. Once uninstalled, reboot and then go about running your Java JRE installer. It should install just fine at this point. Once complete, reinstall Sprinter.

At this point you should be able to select Java for your Application Under Test setup without any issues.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on August 13, 2015 7:08 pm
That worked perfectly. After Sprinter was uninstalled, Java installed error free. Thanks!
( at August 13, 2015 7:27 pm)

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