LeanFT issues recognizing IE browsers launched by Selenium
Question ID: 106732

HP has this post on their site: [http://community.hpe.com/t5/All-About-the-Apps/Selenium-and-LeanFT-Easily-integrating-LeanFT-into-your-Selenium/ba-p/6814630#.Vls0MHarSUk%3Fes_c=36172&es_t=1448836606][1]

This doesn’t seem to work with IE. Following the steps of creating a new project, created a selenium class and changed the driver to work with IE instead of chrome.
Created the LeanFT class and it works fine.

Created the combo class but got stuck adding the LeanFT extension to the driver. The example uses Google Chrome, and I have found no substitution within IE to be able to do the same thing as Chrome, Chrome has "ChromeOptions" and IE has nothing similar.

[1]: +http://community.hpe.com/t5/All-About-the-Apps/Selenium-and-LeanFT-Easily-integrating-LeanFT-into-your-Selenium/ba-p/6814630#.Vls0MHarSUk%3Fes_c=36172&es_t=1448836606

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Posted by (Questions: 387, Answers: 66)
Asked on March 22, 2016 6:56 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

For Chrome and other browsers, the LeanFT Extension has to be loaded with the options when launching the browser. I believe this is not necessary with IE because the IE HP Functional Testing Agent is always loaded with IE when it is launched. Therefore, specifying the options is not required. Take a look at the code snippet below, modified from the code in the mentioned blog post. This code launches the IE browser with no problem and LeanFT attaches to it.

public void setUp() throws Exception {

ieDriver = new InternetExplorerDriver();


browser = BrowserFactory.attach(new BrowserDescription.Builder().type(BrowserType.INTERNET_EXPLORER).build());

You can attach LeanFT to a specific window using a unique browser title. For example: Browser myBrowser = BrowserFactory.attach(new BrowserDescription.Builder().title(''Google'').build());

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Posted by (Questions: 18, Answers: 807)
Answered on March 22, 2016 6:56 pm
That code worked exactly how we needed it to. Thanks!
( at March 22, 2016 6:58 pm)

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