LoadRunner Enterprise 2021R2 LoadRunner Analysis taking long time (~15min) to run
Question ID: 110342

We upgraded from LR 12.61 to 2021R2.  

Analysis is loading very slow

–     As part of 2021 R2,  when we are trying to analyses the results and we are not getting transaction summary details of min, avg, max response times. So we have made changes to existing template to get High Level report. This is taking more than 15 mins time to load the data.

–     and also when we try to get any new report templates and save, it is taking lot more time to load the report

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 0)
Asked on June 13, 2022 11:33 am
Answers (1)
Private answer


There is a hotfix available from Micro Focus for this LR Analysis 2021 R2 issue:


DOC ID:  KM000002472

Title: Transactions Summary Table does not contain any transaction records with 2021 R2


Analysis Summary Report does not contain transaction records in the Transactions Summary Table. This applies to the Summary Report in the HTML Report, as well as the Summary Report displayed in the Analysis UI

Solution: Apply this hotfix:

To resolve this issue, perform the following on the Analysis machine:

  1. Please download the attached file Analysis Summary Page Transactions file
    1. Analysis Summary Page Transactions Hotfix   file  From <https://portal.microfocus.com/s/article/KM000002472>
  2. Close any running Analysis instances.
  3. Unzip the hotfix in the installation folder, replacing existing files.


NOTE:  For LoadRunner Enterprise,  Repeat the same steps on all host machines that are defined as Controller or Data Processor

After applying these changes, the summary page should contain the full information.

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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on October 26, 2022 12:00 pm

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