LoadRunner License error — exceeded the number of Vusers
Question ID: 106941

LR 12.xx is receiving an error in the Controller of "exceeded the number of Vusers".
I have a license set for **2500 LR Web/Mmed**, but there is also the basic License of 50 on there. I only receive this error when I reach 50 Vusers.

The License Utility says I have the **2500 LR Web/Mmed**, activated, but I cannot run a load test with more than 50 Vusers

I am currently using LR 12.02. My script is of the "Web(http/html & oracle NCA" protocols.

Any help would be great.

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Posted by (Questions: 231, Answers: 18)
Asked on July 5, 2016 4:43 pm
Answers (2)
Private answer

The problem is with your script. it is using 2 protocols Web(http/html) AND Oracle NAC. The Community License will covers 50 Oracle NCA Vusers; However, the 2500 license of theLoadRunner ''Web & Multimedia'' bundle does NOT have the Oracle NCA protocol which will only cover the Web(http/html) protocol not both.


The LoadRunner ''Community'' license is for 50 Vusers covering all protocols, except for Microsoft COM/DCOM and GUI bundle, whereas, the LoadRunner ''Web & Multimedia'' only has the following

- Media Player (MMS)
- Real (RealPlayer)
- Web (Click and Script)
- Mobile Applications Protocol

And For LoadRunner 12.50 and higher only these protocols are in the ''Web & Multimedia''

- MMS (Media Player)
- Mobile Application - HTTP/HTML

You need to buy a license for the Oracle E-Business protocol bundle to get more ''Oracle NCA'' Vusers in order to run more than 50.

**Importance note:**

a ''Web & Oracle NCA'' script will use 2 licenses per Vusers; one per protocol.

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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on July 5, 2016 5:03 pm
Private answer

Hi, i am licensed for 1250 plus the 50. Why was I able the run a test for 1350. Is it because they were not ran concurrently? @DavidMofOSI

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 1)
Answered on April 19, 2018 10:46 pm

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