LoadRunner Vuser logs from Analsys with ALM
Question ID: 107102

Using LoadRunner and ALM, Not PC and ALM.
Is there a way to view after the fact, not directly in the controller but after the test has completed and the controller closed, the individual Vuser logs?
I know there is a a log folder saved as part of the results however is there a way to browse it similar to in the Controller when looking at the Vusers in the Run tab for each script running?
Or is there any way short of manually opening each log directly that is cleaner?
Plus using ALM the results have to be FTP’ed to a local box to view and open these days

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Posted by (Questions: 17, Answers: 6)
Asked on September 15, 2016 9:09 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hello Hjessee,

IF you had Performance Center(PC) the Vusers logs files would automatically be collected and put into the Vuserlogs.zip for all test runs that have the logs enabled.

Since you don't have PC to capture and store the Vusers logs:, in order the view the logs after the test is done and closed to will need to do the following:

Assuming you saved a copy of the of the results folder for each test run
From the Controller note the folder name and location of the results folder for the test run ( controller's menu bar ''Results'' -> ''Results settings...''

- Using Windows Explorer, Navigate to the results folder the test run needed
- If the save copy of results folder is Zipped, download the results folder and unzip it
- Inside the results folder, Open the ''log'' folder to access and view the Vusers logs.

IF you want the test results to be automatically stored in the ALM's file repository then you need to purchase Performance Center(PC).

With PC, each of the test run has the following data capture And store in the ALM/PC system.

- output.mdb
- Vuserslogs.zip (if log enabled)
- RawResult.zip
- Results.zip (the default analyzed results)
- Report.html
- Other files (user uploaded files, notes, screenshot, customized analysis results, etc)

Without the PC your will have to continue using the FTP method to store you LoadRunner results in ALM.

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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on September 16, 2016 2:14 pm

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