New Sprinter install error could not initialize power mode
Question ID: 106612

When attempting to record a test in Sprinter, by clicking on the Steps Capture have some users getting an error: A communication error has occurred: Could not initialize power mode.

What can we do to correct? Several users are reporting this. Sprinter was just recently installed for the reported users having the error. I and a few other users, who has had Sprinter for a while, do not have this error.

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Posted by (Questions: 26, Answers: 22)
Asked on January 26, 2016 4:37 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer


By any chance is UFT installed on the same machines that are giving the error? If so, as you mentioned Sprinter was just recently installed, I suggest you run a repair on the installation. This can be done from Control Panel and Programs and Features to find the list of installed programs. Find HP Sprinter in the list and right click and run repair.

As per the readme's for Sprinter and UFT:

* Any changes to the installation of one of these products will affect the other. If you uninstall, modify, or upgrade one product, the other may fail. You will need to repair the installation of the affected product.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on January 26, 2016 4:48 pm
UFT was in use on these new Sprinter installed machines. Let me repair then.
( at January 26, 2016 4:54 pm)

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