OLE error 800400D0 error when accessing various modules in ALM.
Question ID: 108062

I am receiving OLE error 800400D0 error when accessing various modules in ALM.

Test Runs: Failed to get run values
Defects: Unexpected failure in getValuePostProcess

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at HP.ALM.QC.UI.Modules.TestLab.Views.Runs.BaseRunsViewControl.UpdateStatusBar(IBaseEntity currentEntity)
at HP.ALM.QC.UI.Modules.TestLab.Views.Runs.BaseRunsView.Enter()
at HP.ALM.QC.UI.Modules.TestLab.Views.Runs.TestRunsView.Enter()
at Mercury.TD.Client.UI.Core.Mvc.BaseView.set_Active(Boolean value)
at HP.ALM.QC.UI.Modules.TestRuns.TestRunsModule.Enter()
at Mercury.TD.Client.UI.Core.Services.ModulesFrameService.EnterModule(IModule module)
at Mercury.TD.Client.UI.Core.Services.ModulesFrameService.SelectModule(String moduleId)
at Mercury.TD.Client.UI.Core.Services.ModulesFrameServiceControl.OnMouseDown(Object sender, MouseDownEventArgs e)

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Posted by (Questions: 204, Answers: 2)
Asked on January 15, 2018 10:33 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

This problem was due to the fact that the TEST table was missing.
After running the Project Verify, restored a backup of the project and ran this SQL to find that the TEST table was missing:
RPM_Restore = 313
default_rpm_db = 312

USE RPM_Restore --default_rpm_db
FROM sys.Tables

Run this SQL to restore the TEST table
SELECT * INTO default_rpm_db.dbo.TEST from RPM_Restore.dbo.TEST

The RPM project was restored from the nightly backup to a new database and the missing table(s) extracted and then imported in the existing database. The project was then Verified, Repaired and the Repositories Realigned. User is now able to access the project without error. ALM was also successful in launching an automated test remotely.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 216)
Answered on January 15, 2018 10:38 pm

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