PC Users license Error
Question ID: 108075

We have Performance Center 12.53. After 5 concurrent users logged into performance center, we are getting error stating that max concurrent users exceeded error. Even though we are able to login to PC after that error, would like to see if we have an option to increase PC users from 5 to 15. Why are we restricted with 5 users? we have dev team using PC for few smoke tests and monitor testing live view results while test is running. Any input would be great.

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Posted by (Questions: 108, Answers: 6)
Asked on January 20, 2018 3:56 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

The message is caused by the fact that Application Lifecycle Manager (ALM) by design sends license warning messages to the users for all modules regardless if the modules are used or not.

1. Performance Testers should use MY Performance Center to avoid using ALM licenses


2. Ignore it because it is just a warning message and not an error. Those modules are not used in Performance Testing.


3. Customize the Module Access.


4. Purchase more ALM Licenses, if those modules are needed for more users.

Customizing Module Access:

To fix the error (warning) you need to be manually disable the module for Requirements, Releases, Libraries, and Defects.

In order to do that the user needs to
* Login into each Project via the ALM Desktop Client with a TDAdmin Account
* Go to Tools > Customize > Module access.

From there, they need to disable ''components'' for the groups that they use and will no longer receive this message.

Hope this helps

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Posted by (Questions: 17, Answers: 266)
Answered on January 20, 2018 3:57 pm

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