Performance Center Content Checks Not Available
Question ID: 104871

Most of our testers use the Content Check rules for detecting errors that can occur globally on any page of our web sites.

This setting is available in the LoadRunner Controller Run-time Settings but it is does not appear to be available in the Performance Center Run Time Settings. Does anyone know if this option is available in Performance Center Run Time Settings?

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Posted by (Questions: 23, Answers: 4)
Asked on February 28, 2013 9:12 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

It is correct that you will not find the Content Check options in PC's run-time settings. The current work around is to set it in the VUGEN script, then upload the script to Performance Center. It would be better if we were able to configure this in Performance center directly. RTS should be the same in VUGEN and Performance Center. An Enhancement Request has been submitted to HP R&D and HP has accepted this request and will fix it in future releases.

In the mean time, there is a better solution for content checking, in that works the same in both PC and LR and works independly from the run-time settings. The web functions: ''**web_global_verification**, **web_global_verification_pause**, and **web_global_verification_resume**'' have been added to Vugen. These functions work like the content checking RTS with additional options and the added capability to pause and resume the checking as needed. As a result, you can establish a content check with web_global_verification that will work exactly like the standard content checking. When the content checking interfers, where known errors are expected, you can temporarily turn off the content checking with web_global_verification_pause and then back on after the call with web_global_verification_resume. I have found using these calls to be much better than content checks because I have total program control of when they are added and when they are off and on.

This is an example call to web_global_verification, more infomation is available in the Vugen function reference:

web_global_verification(''TextPfx=HTTP: 404'',
''TextSfx=File not found''

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 41)
Answered on February 28, 2013 9:30 pm

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