QTP/UFT not picking up tests run from ALM/QC
Question ID: 105628

We have an issue where UFT/QTP does not run when tests are run from QC, and when we log onto the affected machines and try to launch QTP, we get a series of errors. Once these are cleared, it works again for a while. We now figured out what triggers these errors. A while back, in order to resolve other issues, we were advised to clear temp files, and we now have that on an automated routine. Every time that routine runs and the temp files are purged, this problem recurs. The paths we are clearing out are: C:\\Documents and Settings\\%username%\\Local Settings\\Temp, C:\\Temp, and c:\\documents and settings\\QaTest\\local settings\\temporary internet files\\content.IE5\\*.*. This keeps space from getting filled up on these machines from the numerous test runs we do, but it is causing these errors.

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Posted by (Questions: 22, Answers: 6)
Asked on October 22, 2014 6:38 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

I have seen this before, are you deleteting the temp folder? We figured out it was due to our actually deleting the temp folder instead of the just the contents of it. Apparently UFT/QTP does not like to start properly when the folder doesn't exist. I recommend using OSI Report tool to verify temp directories exist. http://www.orasi.com/testing-solutions/Pages/Orasi-System-Information-OSI.aspx

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 98)
Answered on October 22, 2014 6:39 pm

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