Receiving SQL DB is of unsupported version in ALM?
Question ID: 108801


When I tried to create a new project on our server, it results in an error (below) after the final "Create" button in the wizard.
The SQL server we are running is running SQL 2012 Standard SP3 (11.0.6020) for our ALM12.01 patch 2 ALM versions, so I don’t understand what it’s complaining about the version not meeting minimum requirements.

Failed to Create Project;
Failed to create HP ALM project;
DB server ‘HDDSQCSQL’ is of unsupported version;
Database minimal supported version is MSSQL 2008 server R2 SP2;

Stack Trace:
com.hp.alm.platform.exception.CTdException: DB server ‘HDDSQCSQL’ is of unsupported version;
Database minimal supported version is MSSQL 2008 server R2 SP2
at com.hp.alm.platform.siteadmin.api.logics.CProjectLogic.assertDbVersionSupported(
at com.hp.alm.platform.siteadmin.api.logics.CProjectLogic.createProject(
wrapped in com.hp.alm.platform.exception.CTdException: Failed to create HP ALM project
at com.hp.alm.platform.siteadmin.api.logics.CProjectLogic.createProject(
at com.hp.alm.platform.siteadmin.api.logics.CProjectLogic.createProject(
at com.hp.alm.platform.siteadmin.requests.CreateProject.execute(
at com.hp.alm.platform.web.RequestsDispatcher.execute(
wrapped in com.hp.alm.platform.exception.CTdException: Failed to Create Project

(…. additional lines of stack trace ommitted ….)

Any clarification and help would be greatly appreciated,

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Posted by (Questions: 379, Answers: 35)
Asked on January 18, 2019 5:14 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hi HomerJ,
Your issue isn't the minimum supported version but in your case an unsupported version. Unfortunately the error was coded in such that it reports the minimum version. For your particular version of ALM you can see here in the support environments page hosted by Microfocus:
your version requires patch 4 in order to support your current version of DB. Installing this patch will alleviate your issue and enable your to be able to create projects as you normally have in the past.

Hope this helps,

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 770)
Answered on January 18, 2019 5:19 pm

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