Receiving the error 'Unknown file format' in the Analysis View module
Question ID: 108399

Hello. We recently upgrade our ALM to version 12.55, and we are now receiving the error "Unknown file format" when trying to view the 'Configuration' tab for reports available in the 'Analysis View' module. We have tried running a Verify and Repair on the project, but the issue continues to occur.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

1. Select a report where the 'Type' is 'Project Report' in the 'Details' tab
2. Click the 'Configuration' tab
3. The error "Unknown file format" displays

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Posted by (Questions: 239, Answers: 31)
Asked on May 11, 2018 2:56 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

We have found where this issue can be due to missing report templates in the projects repository folder. The issue can be resolved by using an ftp client to access the projects repository folders, and importing report templates from a blank project into the affected projects report template folder.

If you do not already have an ftp client setup, I have entered some information below on how to do so.

In order to use ftp to view the files in the projects repository folder, you will need to enter the following parameter into the 'Site Configuration' tab in Site Admin and set its value to 21 - Parameter: FTP_PORT / Value: 21

Create a new folder on your desktop and name it accordingly.

Next, you will need to setup an ftp connection in Windows Explorer...

Steps to create an ftp connection in windows explorer:

- Click the Windows Start button
- Click 'Computer'
- Right-click in the 'Network Location' section
- Select 'Add a network location' from the menu that displays
- Click the 'Next' button
- Select 'Choose a custom network location'
- Click the 'Next' button
- Enter the ftp address for the ALM server - Example given in the next step
- (e.g. ftp://your_site_admin_username@your_alm_server_name)
- Click the 'Next' button
- Enter a name for the network location
- Click the 'Next' button
- Click the 'Finish' button

In the 'Log On As' window that displays, you will enter your Site Admin credentials and click the 'Logon' button. After you have logged into the projects repository folder, you should see the domain folder(s) displayed. Enter the domain folder that contains the new blank project, locate and enter the 'report_templates' folder. Inside the 'report_templates' folder, you will copy all of the files displayed, and place them into the new folder that you previously created on your desktop. Next, you will enter the domain folder that contains the affected project, locate and enter the 'report_templates' folder. Inside the 'report_templates' folder of the affected project, you should see that most, if not all of the files are missing. Delete any files that are left in the folder with the prefix value 'hp.'. After you have removed the files, you will then copy all of the files you previously placed into the new folder, and place them into the 'report_templates' folder of the affected project. After you have replaced the missing template files, log back into ALM and retest to see if the issue still occurs.

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 300)
Answered on May 11, 2018 3:01 pm

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