Recommendations for Performance Center 11.52
Question ID: 105638

We are running Performance Center 11.52. I ran a 8- hour duration test which appeared to run to completion. Afterwards, I went to do the analysis and PC only showed the as available. I then found that the LR Controller in use for this test ran out of disk space. I logged into that LR controller (Windows Server 2008) but couldn’t figure out where LR is consuming the disk. I deleted a few misc files and freed up about 10GB. I then went back into ALM

Explorer and ran the data recovery steps it provides. The other output files showed up in the UI list:,, VuserLogs, etc. But, when I ran the Analyzer, all I got was a blank Summary Page with NO transactions at
all. I also tried downloading the Vuser logs but they were not found in the repo. So, I’ve several questions which I hope you can help me with, even if it is just pointing me to the right HP documentation.

1. Do you have any recommended data recovery methods in these situations?
2. Where on the Controller does Loadrunner write data & log files?
3. Where on the Load Generators does Loadrunner write data & log files?
4. Can one find Vuser logs on the LGs?
5. What can one do with the Any results analysis via that data?

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Posted by (Questions: 159, Answers: 15)
Asked on October 24, 2014 3:35 pm
Answers (2)
Private answer

Answer 1:
* Ensure that you have enough hard drive on the Load Generators and the Controllers.
* Ensure that the Host Controller is also set to a Data Processor

Answer 2:
The results files are written in the ..HP/Performance Center Host/Orchidtmp/results sub folder.

Answer 3:
Results Files are written in the ..HP/Performance Center Host/Orchidtmp/results sub folder. Also, on the Load Generators the %temp% folder contains the log files until collated successfully.

Answer 4:
Within Vugen, the Temp folder by default hold log files.

Answer 5:
The output.mdb file holds error messages; however, the html report does not refer to it. Because the output.mdb file is in MS-Access format, some skills with Microsoft Access are necessary to manipulate
the data into usable reports.

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Posted by (Questions: 17, Answers: 266)
Answered on October 24, 2014 3:37 pm
Private answer

there is an option to delete the temp files after collation. Default behavior is to leave the files on the load generator. In that case you will have to clean up the system manually. If you have access to the LG system (RDP, local console, etc) and you have local admin privileges, you can set the directory view to see hidden and system files and clean up the user temp files. Depending on your OS, they will be somewhere like:

c:users(PC User Name)appdatalocaltemp

As far as this run, assuming it has not been deleted, you can try re-collating. I am not sure how to do this with performance center. If the load generators had space issues, there is nothing to recover.

Good Luck

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 15)
Answered on October 26, 2014 4:06 pm

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