Requirements duplicated in incorrect folder with NOT filter icon.
Question ID: 104136

We have a situation were requirments are duplicated in the Requirments Tree in two different folders.

Some are in the correct folder, some are listed in the incorrect folder but have the NOT icon (Filter with a slash trough it.)

Any Ideas? Is this a bug?

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Posted by (Questions: 70, Answers: 111)
Asked on June 21, 2010 4:15 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Solution Below.

1) Logoff all users from the project.

2) Request the DBA perform a backup of the project database.
THIS IS CRITICAL in the event the repair process is encounters an error during the process.

DO NOT PROCEED WITHOUT a confirmation from the DBA that the backup has successfully completed.

3) In the Site Administrator

a. Select the project name

b. Right click and select the Maintain Project / Verify Project / click the [Verify Project] button.

This will create a file in the directory
C:Program FilesHPQuality CenterrepositorysaDomsInfoMaintenanceDataoutDEFAULT\ default__db_trees_xxxxxxxxxxxxx.txt file.
Contents similar to:
Ids of items with bad paths: [123,234,456,111,222,333,444]
These are the requiment Ids with an issue.

c. Right click and select the Maintain Project / Verify Project / click the [Repair Project] button.

d. Click [Yes] to agree to deactivate the project.
This will rerun the verify process followed by the repair process.
If successful the message Repair finished successfully will be displayed.

4) Login to the project

5) The Requirements are listed in the correct tree path.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 613)
Answered on June 21, 2010 4:24 pm
Thanks, That did it.
( at June 21, 2010 4:27 pm)

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