Requirements – how to segregate those that will have no test?
Question ID: 104353

I work in a place that is using ALM to house all requirements in ALM under a single release (example 1.0). When I run Requirement Traceability reports, they will never be 100% traced to tests because not all requirements will be tested. An example may be a requirements to build a process for purchasing. What is the best practice when an organization chooses to store all requirements in ALM for a project but they will not all be tested? We tried moving the ‘no test’ requirements to a separate folder in the release (called one folder Archive for rejected requirements and one folder NoTest for not testing on a requirement) but the traceability reports still include that folder. When I try to filter out to include only those folders that should be traced, I can’t get the syntax right…. it would be something like filter for Req Parent not = ^Requirements\\Project\\Archive^ and Req Parent not = ^Requirements\\Project\\No_Test^. Any ideas on how to resolve this?

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Asked on April 18, 2011 2:39 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Change your query in the Requirements Traceability menu for BOTH the Requirements and Tests. Including NOT in your SQL query generates errors. Also, link all your test-traced requirements to dedicated folders - both Releases and its Cycles - in the Release management module. Then filter the requirements and its associated tests that you want to report by the Cycles that house the traced requirements. Use the same filter criteria for your tests in the RTM menu. This has always worked for me when definitively selecting certain requirements for report generation.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 8)
Answered on August 23, 2013 6:14 pm

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