This is a known issue by HP, by modifying the MonitorProfileEditMonitor.aspx on the Performance Center server web site. Log onto the PC server and stop IIS, then make the following changes to the file:
HPPerformance Center ServerPCWEBMonitorProfiles
The OLD file had the following function:
function saveClicked() {
if (checkPageValid()) {
if (window.editPageController) {
else {
GetRadWindow().Close({ 'closeOperation': 'save' });
The NEW file has the following changes to the function:
function saveClicked() {
if (checkPageValid()) {
if (window.editPageController) {
else {
if (window.frameElement.radWindow) {
setTimeout(function () {
GetRadWindow().Close({ 'closeOperation': 'save' });
}, 0);
else {
GetRadWindow().Close({ 'closeOperation': 'save' });
Once you apply this new file you should restart IIS.