Hello Thomas:
This error is produced first in Solution Manager as it is sending a wrong SOAP message to Quality Center, thus QC sends back to SolMan a Server error 500, SolMan translates this error into the SoapFaultCode:1
This error can be solved by changing the SOAP Message ID that SolMan sends to QC.
Please perform the following steps:
- Start transaction SOAMANAGER
- Click on tabstrip 'Service Administration'
- Select entry 'Single Service Configuration'
- Search for the type 'Consumer Proxy', and Pattern 'CO_AGS_HPQCSMBLUEPRINT_HANDLER', Field 'Internal Name'
- Mark the return result and select 'Apply Selection'.
- Select the tabstrip 'Configurations'
- Select the logical port, and press 'Edit'
- On the displayed Logical Port, choose the tabstrip 'Messaging'
- In the section 'Message ID (Synchronous)', change the Message Id Protocol from 'WS-A Message ID' to 'Suppress ID Transfer' (Please see screenshot below)
- Press Save button
Then you need to reactivate the service '/sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap/ags_wbs_solar_if_mercury'
* Start transaction SICF
* Press F8
* Search for the entry '/sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap/ags_wbs_solar_if_mercury'
* Even if it marked as Active, right click on it, deactivate the service then reactivate it again
Good Luck with your SolMan Adapter configuration.
Cesar Rodriguez