SQL-Server Autogrowth setting by QC/ALM?
Question ID: 107481

As you know, the project database files behind MS-SQL need to grow (take up more space on the drive) as we add data to QC, AND this happens automatically in MS-SQL-server based on the "autogrow" settings.
As we create Projects in QC, the database files (DBF and :LDB files) are created and automatically set to be able to grow (QC sets some default settings).

Out DBAs have some different "default" settings when they create databases for us for other tools.

We know we (our DBA) can change the MS-SQL-server "autogrowth" database settings MANUALLY for project databases AFTER projects are created, but were wondering if there was a way to change the default settings (1MB growth increment for DBF/data file and 10% for LDF log file)?

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Posted by (Questions: 91, Answers: 5)
Asked on March 2, 2017 3:53 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

The project database growth ''autogrowth'' can not be changed from HP ALM/QC. This is not a configurable part of the application, and the default settings when you create a new project are part of the Application design, and there are no options for how QC creates the MS-SQL database/files.

As you have noticed, in order to change the values. This should be managed by the DBA after the project and database/files are created.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on March 2, 2017 3:56 pm

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