To upgrade from SIS 11.24 to SIS 11.40
On the 11.24 SIS server:
1. SiteScope 11.24
a. Stop the SIS service
b. Use the SiteScope configuration tool to ''export'' your current monitors
2. Uninstall SiteScope 11.24 software
3. Install SiteScope 11.30 (Note: 11.30 will not install on Windows server 2016)
a. Use the SiteScope configuration tool to ''import'' your 11.24 monitors
b. Open SIS and verify your monitors exist
c. Stop the SIS service
d. Use the SiteScope configuration tool to ''export'' your current monitors (For a backup)
4. Install SiteScope 11.40 on top of SiteScope 11.30
a. Open SIS and verify your monitors exist
b. Install your SIS license
* You currently do not have a SiteScope support contract with Orasi Support.
* SiteScope (for load testing) 11.40 is only compatible with LoadRunner 12.55.
* You must obtain a new/updated SiteScope license for the new 11.40 version.