UFT 12.51 objects are different on Windows 10
Question ID: 109141

We have two machines having UFT 12.51 version installed in them. One of them is having Windows 10 OS and another one is having Windows 7. We are using the same application (Confirmit Interviewer – a desktop application) and trying to execute an existing automation script. The object highlighted below is the screen name of the page which gets displayed. Could you please suggest us if the issue is caused due to the windows version or UFT compatibility with Win 10. Please help us in resolving this.

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Posted by (Questions: 227, Answers: 22)
Asked on July 30, 2019 8:29 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

UFT 12.51 is not supported at all in Windows 10
As you can see in the latest PAM for UFT 12.54, Windows 10 it's only supported for the versions 1511, and 1607, so the best advice that I can give you is to upgrade to UFT 14.03 or 14.53

Now, by the way you are recognizing the object (WinObject(''Internet Explorer_Server'') - I believe this specific part of your application is an embedded framework developed with IE objects, which needs to be configured to work with UFT. The steps for this are in the document:

You need to have this configured in any version of UFT

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 477)
Answered on July 30, 2019 8:32 pm

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