UFT 12.54 cannot generate script when record javaFX app.
Question ID: 107461

UFT 12.54 cannot generate script when record javaFX app. When tried to use the Object Spy, it was considered as windows object instead of recognizing java object.

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Asked on February 17, 2017 1:36 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

**After some research I was able to get that UFT 12.54 has support of main JavaFX Window and WebView controls only, all other controls will not be recognized.**

HPE provided two methods to fix:

**Method 1: To use UI Automation addin which has below limitation to think about**

1. UIA API is supported by Java machine only starts from Java 8 for standard controls.So if customer want to use UIA addin for JavaFx app, he should run his app under Java 8 and better to use UFT 12.54. Also, it is developpers responsibility to provide accessibility support for their custom controls. e.g., see next presentation [ http://slideplayer.com/slide/4239325/][1]

2. UFT UI Automation Add-in functionality is based on the JavaFX accessibility support. However JavaFX and customer's application itself may be not have fully supporting of accessibility technology. This may be a reason why the record doesn't work well.

3. The JavaFX uses auto generation of the AutomationId property from the box. To improve the object identification by the UFT, developers of the AUT should setup values by this properties by themselves. This is how to prepare JavaFX application to work with UI Automation.

**Method 2 : To use java addin which has below limitation to think about**

1. The UFT 12.54 has support of main JavaFX Window and WebView controls only, all other controls will not be recognized.

2. But there is plan to implement full support for JavaFX tech in java addin in 2017 Please refer to ER:
3. In the range of new Java Addin, it may provide interface that will allow to run exactly public java methods from these controls. That is to say all custom controls will be recognized as JavaObject. It will be only replay operation. But customer will be able to run exactly java code.

More details you can be found on HPE document [KM02682362][2]

[1]: http://slideplayer.com/slide/4239325/
[2]: https://softwaresupport.hpe.com/group/softwaresupport/search-result/-/facetsearch/document/KM02682362

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 27)
Answered on February 17, 2017 6:04 pm

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