UFT crashes and immediately closing while trying to execute a script.
Question ID: 107462

I am trying to execute a script through UFT, but it shuts down as soon as it hits the line.

Set myTool = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
I have created a .vbs file that is only two lines

Set myTool = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")

I get the error "Unspecified error line 1 char 1". I am having the exact same issue on my two remote boxes. I’ve had another person log in with their id, and they are able to complete the same tasks without issue. We have tried On Error Resume Next with no luck also.

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Posted by (Questions: 63, Answers: 1)
Asked on February 17, 2017 2:23 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

From what I understand you can not run a UFT vbscript on the same machine that co worker can run same Vbscript. This could be one of couple issue.

1. Your user profile is corrupt. If this is the issue have admin delete your user profile on the machine in question and re create it.
2. Your group polices are set that you can not run the script file. To check with your network admin to compare both users accounts.
3. The permissions for UFT are not set the same for both users. Verify permissions documented on [KM183747](https://softwaresupport.hpe.com/group/softwaresupport/search-result/-/facetsearch/document/KM183747).

Hope above helps out.

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 98)
Answered on February 17, 2017 2:23 pm

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