UFT on Microsoft Hyper V Windows virtual machines?
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My company is looking to set up UFT on Hyper V Windows virtual machines, but I’m not seeing any mention on the Product Availability Matrix (https://admhelp.microfocus.com/documents/uft/PAM/UFT_15.X_PAM.html#Virtualization%20solutions)? Is this supported?
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Yes, UFT supports running on Hyper V virtual machines. Micro Focus even provides a pre-built Windows 10 Hyper V image with UFT preinstalled. Here are your important resources: Micro Focus ADM Help Guide: https://admhelp.microfocus.com/uft/en/15.0/UFT_Help/Content/User_Guide/Hyper-V.htm Direct download link to Hyper V image with Windows 10 and UFT: https://uft-production.s3.amazonaws.com/15.0/HyperV-disk-Win10-1903-and-UFT.vhdx Marked as spam