UFT PCI Compliance Settings (RDP & Screen Saver Timeouts)
Question ID: 107620

Our company is looking to become PCI Compliant and I am looking to figure out exactly what in UFT I need to change to make sure that our automation runs can still occur without either the screen saver (15 or less minute time window, currently 10 minutes) or Remote Desktop Sessions (1 hour time window) from hitting an inactivity timeout.

I see that under the General section on the Options window that the Run Sessions tab has a check box for "Allow UFT to continue running GUI or Business process tests after disconnecting from an RDP computer." As well that it takes a user name and password.

I am just looking for the best way for me to configure our machines to be able to keep running tests from QC even if the screen saver with the "On resume, display logon screen" is set, and a RDP inactivity timer is hit. As well, if there is some setting that will have UFT keep the session active under both of these situations if a test is running but no mouse or keyboard actions are occurring from the active test.

Also if there is something related to allowing QC to start another test if the RDP session is disconnected and/or the screen saver starts/locks the users session. I know of the "Allow other HP products to run tests and components" check box under the Test Runs tab on the GUI Testing section of the Options window. Just not sure if there are any others that should also be set.

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Posted by (Questions: 424, Answers: 91)
Asked on April 27, 2017 5:20 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Indeed, that setting you found can be used in tandem with Windows Task Scheduler to continue your tests after RDP disconnects. Check out the steps here:


That should take care of the RDP timeout issue, but you still have the screensaver to contend with. Normally, a company will have a VM (or physical machine in a secure location) that has the screensaver set to 'None' along with 'On resume, display logon screen' unchecked/disabled. There are also registry settings you can use to disable the screensaver, but It sounds like your company won't allow this.

Incorporating the 3rd party Caffeine application has become popular in the testing community to keep a given machine active. Also, here's a user who basically used a simple vbscript in a while loop using Sendkeys on Numlock to keep the system active: http://stackoverflow.com/a/25358547

Bottom line being, there isn't any other 'setting' in UFT to combat a screensaver machine lock. You will need to either be able to get permission to disable the screensaver for your testing machine, or incorporate the Caffeine/Sendkeys solution.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 771)
Answered on April 27, 2017 5:21 pm
Thank you for the information about this. It will help me with either getting an exception setup and/or a workaround.
( at April 27, 2017 5:22 pm)

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