There isn't a ways to disable the ''auto-save'' as the Vugen ''run'' require a save and compile in order to work properly.
There are 3 options other than auto-saving to the ALM project test plan
You Can...
1. Download/open the script to your vugen machine (pulling from alm) then disconnect from ALM
a. Tools > ALM connection...> disconnect
2. Select ''Cancel'' to the pop-up ''the Vuser Script from this project will be closed. Continue?'' to NOT close the script
3. Edit/save script 1000+ times. Disconnected the script save to the temp folder
4. When done ''editing'' the script re-Connect to ALM (Tools > ALM connection...> Connect button).
5. Press ''save''
1. Download/open the script to your vugen machine (pulling from alm)
2. File< save As .. > select ''file system'' (left side of save dialog box)
3. give script temp name i.e. ''Orasi_web_version_999.''
4. Press ''save button
5. Edit edit/run until finish editing
6. File< save As .. > select ''Test Plan'' (left side of save dialog box)
7. Select the project folder
8. Name the script
9. Save
1. Don't connect to ALM
2. Create and edit the script until Ready for load testing
3. Then connect the Vugen to ALM and save to script to the projects-test plan folder