Is there a patch for Performance Center 11 (ALM-PC11.x) to correct the HTTPS / SSL / Certificate issue caused by Microsoft security update (kb2661254)
Question ID: 104682

Is there a patch for Performance Center 11 (ALM-PC11.x) to correct the HTTPS / SSL / Certificate issue caused by Microsoft security update (kb2661254)

We have 15 testers who cannot do any scripting as the "Network/Systmes Admin" keep putting that Microsoft update kb2661254 backon their machine.


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Posted by (Questions: 231, Answers: 18)
Asked on November 7, 2012 11:31 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

you can manually update the LR/PC Vugen SSL Certificates

Get the '' '' file from HP ( KM00207742 )

[ ][1]

To install the certificates For LoadRunner & Performance Center hosts and Vugen (standalone) version 11 and above:

1. Download the attached file ''''
2. Go to ''Vugen'' or ''Host installation''bincerts folder .
3. Find and Backup the original files:
1. wplusCA_Expiration_2020.crt
2. wplusCAOnly_Expiration_2020.crt
4. Unzip the
5. Replace the 2 .crt file with the attached files.

To verify the right certificates are installed on the machine, please use the file size (the files don't have versioning):

1. wplusCA_Expiration_2020.crt - original size 2,228 Bytes, new size 3,871 Bytes.
2. wplusCAOnly_Expiration_2020.crt - original size 1,344 Bytes, new size 1,854 Bytes.


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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on November 7, 2012 11:54 am

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