All LR 12.55 scripts fail in our licensed (5000 Web 2.0) controller
Question ID: 107931


My scripts replays in VuGen and the community edition LR 12.55 controller.

I could not script the business process successfully in Vugen 12.20. after upgrade my laptop to LR 12.55 Community Edition I am able to record, replay and run 50 vuser tests successfully on my laptop. The problem happen when I try run my script in the LR 12.02 controller. The script fail almost as soon as the test started

Any suggestions why?

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Posted by (Questions: 231, Answers: 18)
Asked on October 25, 2017 4:19 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Because You are trying to run scripts created in the new 12.55 in the old, out of date 12.20 environment .

LR 12.02 is backward compatible with 12.01, 12.00 and 11.5x scripts HOWEVER it is not ''Forward compatible'' with 12.50, 12.53 or 12.55 scripts

The answer is to upgrade all LoadRunner machines to 12.55

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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on October 25, 2017 8:37 pm

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