**By default, the mentioned HTML tags are configured at Web Add-in registry level, to ignore them, causing to give the error.**
The main reason for this intended ignore, is because such tags are normally used by other add-ins other than Web Add-in, for example, Java Add-in or Oracle Add-in (for APPLET tag) and Flex Add-in (OBJECT tag).
An alternative, if required to interact with such type of controls, and mentioned dedicated Add-ins will not be used, then:
Note: Below scenario is an example, where planning to add WebElement, based on OBJECT html tag, to repository
Don't load mentioned add-ins (Flex, Oracle or Java Add-ins)
Open Windows Registry Editor (run command: regedit)
Navigate to below path:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMercury InteractiveQuickTest ProfessionalMicTestPackagesWebPackageSettings]
Update ''TagsToIgnore'' value:
Default: '';APPLET;OBJECT;''
Updated: '';APPLET;_OBJECT;''
Restart Browser and HPE testing tool.