Can we use the HTTPS in JIRA?
Question ID: 108408


I have a plan to use HTTPS in JIRA. Can anybody help me out to setting up JIRA HTTPS support in HP-sync.

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Posted by (Questions: 18, Answers: 7)
Asked on May 18, 2018 7:56 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hello Bhaskar,

JIRA supports HTTPS. We have to setup SSL with JIRA and HP-Synch.

Please find the below detailed information which explains how to setup SSL with JIRA and HP-sync.

Installation of self-signed or untrusted or expired certificates into HP Synchronizer

Some customers use self-signed or untrusted certificates on internal systems such as JIRA. This practice is common, but requires a trust relationship be setup between the HP Synchronizer and the JIRA server certificate. This is accomplished by importing the JIRA server certificate into the HP Synchronizer certificate store.

Obtain the JIRA certificate from your JIRA admin or Internet Explorer. Certificates obtained from the JIRA admin should be in the .cer format (Base-64 encoded)

To export the certificate without admin support use the instructions below:

Identify the certificate JIRA is using:

1. Open Internet Explorer and access the JIRA server url
2. Click the ''Lock'' icon near the url. This will show you the certificate you are using for JIRA in the browser. Install the certificate by clicking the install button, using defaults.
Export the certificate for use with HP Sync
Open Internet Explorer
1. Go to the Tools menu, Internet Options...
2. Select the ''Content'' tab
3. Click the Certificates button
4. Find the certificate for the JIRA server that was viewed in the steps above
(this can be in any of the tabs, but many times is located in the ''other people'' tab.)
5. Select the certificate and click the export tab, and then next
6. Select Base-64 format to export and click next
7. Save the file as c:jb.cer

Import the certificate into HP Synchronizer

1. Obtain the JIRA server certificate from your JIRA admin or export from IE as noted above
2. Rename the certificate file to jb.cer
3. Copy the jb.cer file to ''C:''
4. Shutdown the service for Synchronizer
5. Go to the DOS command prompt (run cmd)
6. Execute the following command:
''c:Program FilesHPHP ALM Synchronizerjavabinkeytool'' -import -trustcacerts -keystore ''C:Program FilesHPHP ALM Synchronizerjavalibsecuritycacerts'' -file ''C:jb.cer''
(make sure you include quotes where indicated)

Note: It's possible for special characters to be injected by copy / paste. If you receive an error, retype the portion of the command from the command prompt.

7. You will be prompted with a yes or no to import the cert. Type yes.
8. You will be prompted with for a password, type ''changeit'' without quotes.
9. Restart the Synchronizer
10. Rerun a link, if the cert imported correctly the error will no longer occur


Deleting the keystore

* Delete a certificate from a Java Keytool keystore example:
keytool -delete -keystore ''C:Program FilesHPHP ALM Synchronizerjavalibsecuritycacerts''
keytool -delete -alias mydomain -keystore ''C:Program FilesHPHP ALM Synchronizerjavalibsecuritycacerts''

Deleting the alias

* Delete an alias from a Java Keytool keystore example:

....javabinkeytool'' -delete -alias ''mykey'' -keystore ''C:Program FilesHPHP ALM Synchronizerjavalibsecuritycacerts''

Updating a CERT:
If it's already there you can use the -alias flag and set it to a new ''name''. Just add -alias and the name to the import command, this will work.
--OR -
You can delete the old alias and create a new one.

Please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you..

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 15)
Answered on May 23, 2018 2:28 pm

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