Email issues after Exchange server change in ALM?
Question ID: 109447


  Emails from ALM 11.52 used to be delivered as usual until recently we changed the MS Exchange server.  It was upgraded from Exchange 2010 SP3 to Exchange 2016 Enterprise Edition (Version 15.1, Build 1591.10).  Now after this upgrade is completed, many of the notifications are treated as suspicious with both the sender and the recipient (within the default company domain) are same people in different subnets.

Please suggest a solution to this.



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Posted by (Questions: 379, Answers: 35)
Asked on April 22, 2020 3:15 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hello HomerJ,

  As I see this it is something that needs to be discussed between you and the Exchange IT administrators. If the emails are being sent from ALM and getting to the exchange server correctly, then it is working from the ALM end exactly as expected. If the exchange server is flagging these emails as suspect then it seems this would need to be addressed by the administrative team that deal with the exchange server settings and configurations, either white listing the ALM sending address or through a rules change. I am not an exchange admin and we do not support set up or configuration of mail servers of any sort. If the email address of the sender/user is still the same and hasn't changed and they are accessing the system normally then this is solely something they would need to configure within the exchange server itself and unfortunetly I have no knowledge of what to suggest as this is not what we support.  Within ALM 11.52 there is no settings to change the subnets so it shouldn't be possible for the sender and receiver being the same and not having the same subnet when originating from the ALM server. I would check these things with your Echange administrators and IT system amins.


Hope this helps,



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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 770)
Answered on April 22, 2020 3:24 pm

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