Yes you can, by using the RawResults Exporter tool.
To use the RawResults Exporter tool, you should CD into the file path of the RawResults Exporter tool. The -source_dir, should be followed by the full file path of where the .lrr file exist. The -target_dir, should contain the full file path of where you want the JSON results to exist.
To use the RawResults Exporter tool, please do the following:
1. Open a command prompt, as an administrator
2. Cd to the following file path for the RawResults Exporter tool:
a. cd c:program files (x86)Micro FocusLoadRunnerbin
3. Then enter a command, such as:
a. LrRawResultsExporter.exe -source_dir C:LR_RepositoryResultsQ2L6_TC_OrasiTest0 -target_dir C:TestingProjectsSampleProjectResultsExportJson -to_json
b. Type Y, and select ''Enter''
4. Your RawResults will export to JSON text file