How can I verify that ConnectAll Tomcat and Mule are working after a fresh install?
Question ID: 109108

We are new to using ConnectAll, does someone have any tips about how to confirm the underlying Mule and Tomcat are working correctly after installation (or any time)?

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Posted by (Questions: 193, Answers: 14)
Asked on July 29, 2019 4:55 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Verifying Tomcat/Mule/ConnectAll running or starting:

**Check Tomcat server**

< < connectAll server name > >:8080

Should see Tomcat landing page:
![alt text][1]

**Check ConnectAll page works**:

check for login page

< < connectAll server name > >:8080/ConnectAll <<- CASE Sensitive!! Should see ConnectAll landing page ![alt text][2] Even if Mule is stopped or not working, it should be able to login as long as DB is available. Login and go to Monitor Logs tab: (If you can login, that means the Database connection is good as well) ![alt text][3] **Verify log location** (mule version in path name), and click Play If you go in here BEFORE Mule is fully running or is not running yet (or not running at all due to other issues), this log does not have ''deployed'' in it. ![alt text][4] **Verify Mule is running:** Now, start (or stop/start) Mule service and watch Log (pause/play) As log fills, eventually it reports: > **********************************************************************
> * - - + DOMAIN + - - * - - + STATUS + - - *
> **********************************************************************
> * default * DEPLOYED *
> **********************************************************************
> **************************************************************************************************
> * - - + APPLICATION + - - * - - + DOMAIN + - - * - - + STATUS + - - *
> **************************************************************************************************
> * default * default * DEPLOYED *
> * ConnectAll-2.9.R018e0a9e008420f69f7c376824d56
> * default * DEPLOYED *
> **************************************************************************************************

**Verify Mule started** - Mule Log

![alt text][5]

[1]: /storage/temp/956-tomcat2.png
[2]: /storage/temp/957-connectall2.png
[3]: /storage/temp/958-ca-monitor.png
[4]: /storage/temp/959-monitorlog1.png
[5]: /storage/temp/960-ca-monitor3.png

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on July 29, 2019 5:09 pm

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