How do we stop getting this HTTP ERROR: 503?
Question ID: 106914

When we install MS updates we have the server set to automatically reboot. Everytime after this reboot when we come in then next morning we are getting…

Problem accessing /qcbin/ .Reason:
Service Unavailable

We then have to restart the ALM service to get the ALM service back up and running.

When we look in the wrapper.log we find the following…

INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/05/22 05:20:17.274 | Reading configuration from url file:/C:/ProgramData/HP/ALM/webapps/qcbin/WEB-INF/siteadmin.xml
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/05/22 05:20:22.326 |
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/05/22 05:20:22.326 | /**
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/05/22 05:20:22.326 | 2016-05-22 05:20 WrapperSimpleAppMain ERR com.hp.alm.platform.db.CConnectionManager Can’t create a new database connection for url ‘jdbc:mercury:sqlserver://:1433′ on setting catalog to ‘qcsiteadmin_db’
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/05/22 05:20:22.326 | null
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/05/22 05:20:22.326 | [Mercury][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Database ‘qcsiteadmin_db’ is being recovered. Waiting until recovery is finished.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/05/22 05:20:22.326 | **/
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/05/22 05:20:22.428 |
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/05/22 05:20:22.428 | /**
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/05/22 05:20:22.428 | 2016-05-22 05:20 WrapperSimpleAppMain ERR com.mercury.optane.core.state.ServerStatusTracker status=MUTED, label=QC server is muted due to unrecoverable error, reason=Failed to obtain a connection to schema ‘qcsiteadmin_db’; com.hp.alm.platform.db.CTdDbException: Can’t create a new database connection.,
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/05/22 05:20:22.428 | StackTrace=
INFO | jvm 1 | 2016/05/22 05:20:22.428 | com.hp.alm.platform.db.CTdDbException: Can’t create a new database connection.

It looks like ALM started before the SQL service finished starting, but how do we fix this?

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Posted by (Questions: 89, Answers: 0)
Asked on June 21, 2016 3:41 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

What I did to resolve this was to add a dependency to the ALM service for the MSSQLSERVER. This causes ALM to wait till the service that it is dependent on to start before starting. It will even start a stopped dependency service when starting if needed.

1. Open regedit.exe
2. Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices (the name for the ALM service is ''HP Application Lifecycle Management'')
3. In the right hand window... Right-click, Click New, and Click Multi-String Value
4. For the value name enter DependOnService
5. Double click on DependOnService and add MSSQLSERVER to the Value Data box an click OK
6. Exit the registry editor
7. Open Services (under administrative tools) and open the properties for the HP Application Lifecycle Management service
8. Click on the Dependencies tab and you should now see MSSQLSERVER listed.

This worked for me on both Windows Server 2008 and 2012. It does require a restart to take effect for some reason.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 309)
Answered on June 21, 2016 3:49 pm

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