IN LRP 12.63, How can I copy TruClient script steps from one scripts to another script?
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when i try to use the step export/ import nothing happens.
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Private answer
There is a Micro Focus "hotfix" for the Truclient Export/import steps function for VuGen 12.63. This hotfix will need to be applied to all machines used for creating/editing Truclient scripts.
To Get the hotfix open and Support Ticket with Micro Focus. If you are a Orasi SupportWeb customer please open a support case at
Once the hotfix is applied, There are 3 ways to use the TruClient "Export/Import Steps function":
Please pick the method that works best for you.
Method 3 is not recommended, as the opening of 2 VuGen instances and 2 set of Develop mode windows may negatively impact the performance of the machine running the VuGens Marked as spam