IN PC9.52 the Telnet protocol script Does Not Connect
Question ID: 104480

IN PC9.52 the Telnet protocol script Does Not Connect

When running an RTE telnet script, It works fine through VUGen and run on the load generator. When it is started in a load test using the same load generator, it does not connect.

Virtual User Script started at : 2012-93-01 16:21:16
Starting action vuser_init.
Ending action vuser_init.
Running Vuser…
Starting iteration 1.
Starting action Action1.
Action1.c(7): Error: TE_connect failed after 1 tries. Retrying
Reason: Unable to connect to host.
The error message is: Connection closed by host.

During connection of comm-type = telnet;host-name =;telnet-port = 22;terminal-id = ;set-window-size = true;security-type = ssh;ssh-type = ssh2;ssh-show-info = false;ssh-show-login-dialog = false;ssh-cipher = 3DES;ssh-enable-compression = false;ssh-enable-x11 = false;ssh-attempt-tis = false;ssh-allow-agent = false;ssh-keyboard-interactive = false;ssh-key-file = ;ssh-username = ;terminal-type = vt420-7;terminal-model = vt220;login-command-file = ;terminal-setup-file = ;

Action1.c(7): Error: TE_connect failed after 2 tries. Retrying.
Action1.c(7): Error: TE_connect failed after 3 tries. Retrying.
Action1.c(7): Error: TE_connect failed after 4 tries. Retrying.
Action1.c(7): Error: TE_connect failed after 5 tries. Giving up.
Reason: Unable to connect to host.
The error message is: Connection closed by host.
Aborting RTE vuser.

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Posted by (Questions: 231, Answers: 18)
Asked on March 14, 2012 4:03 pm
Answers (2)
Private answer

This may be caused when the ssl keypair exists on the Vugen machine and not on the load generators. Your script indicates that sshV2 is being used for secure socket authentication.

Make sure that any private keys that are used on your Vugen machine are copied to the LGs.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 41)
Answered on February 18, 2013 9:34 pm
Private answer

I am geeting below attached..Can someone please suggest...

Error: TE_connect failed after 1 tries. Retrying Reason: Unable to connect to host. The error message is: Connection closed by host.

During connection of comm-type = telnet;host-name = 9999.9999.9999.999;telnet-port = 22;terminal-id = ;set-window-size = true;security-type = ssh;ssh-type = ssh2;ssh-show-info = false;ssh-show-login-dialog = false;ssh-cipher = 3DES;ssh-enable-compression = false;ssh-enable-x11 = false;ssh-attempt-tis = false;ssh-allow-agent = false;ssh-keyboard-interactive = false;ssh-key-file = ;ssh-username = ;terminal-type = vt420-7;terminal-model = vt220;login-command-file = ;terminal-setup-file = ;

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 1)
Answered on July 30, 2015 2:37 pm

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