Loadrunner controller file transfer issue
Question ID: 104169

I have a recurring problem with a particualr LR controller and file transfer issues. I can create scripts in VuGen and name them with a long, descriptive file name like WebMethodContract_WebServiceName. One controller will sometimes have issues with this and give me a WSDL file transfer error. I can rename the script to a shorter file name, like WMethCon_WServName, and the error will go away. Only on some scripts does this issue happen. Other scripts with the long name have no problem.

The next issue was about 7 or 8 scripts that were working suddenly started failing for the file transfer issue. These scripts already had a short file name. I had to shorten the name even more to something like wmc_wsn to get the scripts to work again.

There is plenty of free space on the generator. I have changed the temp file path as well. What I don’t understand is how files that were working suddenly start failing. I do not know why shortening the name fixes this either.

I have copied the scripts to another controller and they fail in the same manner. If I recreate the scripts on the new controller I do not see the issue.

These are web services scripts
VuGen and Controller are 9.52
Agent process on generator is 9.5

Thanks for the help,

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Posted by (Questions: 5, Answers: 1)
Asked on July 28, 2010 3:41 pm
Answers (3)
Private answer

I have run into this issue before. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you why the scripts will start failing out of the blue when they've worked just fine. It is a mystery to me as I have seen this as well. From what I understand you have 260 or so characters (estimated number from memory) allowed for the path length when scripts are transferring from Controller to Load Generator. If you go over that length, the WSDL file does not get transferred down properly to the Load Generator and will cause errors. In my opinion, this affects WSDL scripts more often due to the file structure of a WSDL script (the WSDL is stored in a folder structure within the script folder).

Many factors can increase the path length (WSDL file name length, script name length, temp file space on LGs). I believe the best fix is to change the temp directory where files are stored on the load generators. It defaults to C:Documents and SettingsDefault Userlocal settingstempetc... and you can change it to C:Temp which should help greatly.


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Posted by (Questions: 3, Answers: 16)
Answered on July 28, 2010 6:30 pm
Forcing the generator to use c:\temp folder fixed the issue. Thanks, Mark
( at July 29, 2010 12:03 pm)
Private answer

The file transfer fails sometimes with an erro message like this:

-84805 Error: The user files were not transferred to the local load generator

-83203 The Transfer of the file C:Load Testsweb servicesDeleteMeCustomerAuthentication_GetAuthenticationInformationScriptShortNameAthInfoWSDL failed: error

-51978 Error: Mercury File Transfer: Error in writing directory C:Documents and Settingsa1sitescopeqaLocal SettingsTempbrr_ITW.27netdirCLoad Testsweb servicesDeleteMeCustomerAuthentication_GetAuthenticationInformationScriptShortNameAthInfoWSDL compression stream. rc = -1

By default the LoadRunner Controller stores temporary files used during the execution of a load test scenario in a temporary directory specified by the Load Generator's TEMP or TMP environment variables.

You can, however, specify the location where temporary files should be placed on the LG?

The location on the Load Generator to be used to store temporary files can be specified when adding the Load Generator to a load test scenario using the LoadRunner Controller. When adding a Load Generator, open the ''Load Generators'' dialog (by clicking the Load Generators button or selecting Scenario > Load Generators) now click Add to open the ''Add New Load Generator'' dialog. The temporary directory to be used to store temporary files can be specified in the ''Temporary directory:'' field.
For an existing Load Generator, the temporary directory to be used can be modified by selecting the Load Generator in the ''Load Generators'' dialog and clicking ''Details'' to open the ''Load Generator Information'' dialog. The new temporary directory to be used can be specified in the ''Temporary directory:'' field. If this is not possible (due to the field being grayed out), a workaround is to remove and add the Load Generator back. The new temporary directory to be used can then be specified in the ''Temporary directory:'' field as described above.
Ensure that the path specified is valid for the Load Generator and that sufficient disk space is available.

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Posted by (Questions: 6, Answers: 167)
Answered on July 29, 2010 6:30 pm
Private answer

Can anyone please let me know how to set the temoporary directlory in Performance Center?

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 1)
Answered on December 9, 2013 6:55 pm

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