To troubleshot the NV Insights Report not being generated after replaying a script in VuGen, version 12.56, see below the following causes:
*The NV Insights Report is not supported for WinINet replay mode (set for a Web Vuser in Replay > Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol > Preferences > Advanced). In some instances, it is possible to modify a script that requires WinINet to run, to enable the script to run without WinINet.
*The NV Insights Report cannot be created if several instances of VuGen are running at the same time
*The NV Insights Report supports only IPv4 network traffic-not IPv6.
*The NV engine permits the following characters in transaction names: a-z|A-Z|0-9|.|,|#|_|-|'
Any other characters in transaction names are replaced by the character <-> in the NV Insights Report. (The original transaction name will still appear in the LoadRunner Analysis reports.)
* In order to distinguish transactions with the same name, during the merge process the NV engine drops all characters in the transaction name that appear after three consecutive underscores (''___''). Do not use three consecutive underscores in transaction names.