QC Synchronizer timing out while reading our QC Filter list
Question ID: 105466

I was updating a field "value-mapping" mapping on a working LINK, then, on the Filters tab, I clicked "Refresh Filter Lists" (because I wanted a newer filter – we added many since the link was created), selected a new filter I had just added, and clicked Save. It said "Saving Link Configuration to the Server" for a while and then I got error saying "The operation has timed out". I tried several times and same result.

The link was working before I made these changes.

Do we have "too many" Filters? We have 500 Public ones (perhaps some old/unused ones too), and our Private list for the Sync user is about 15.

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Posted by (Questions: 91, Answers: 5)
Asked on July 7, 2014 8:23 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

The ''official'' maximum for the list of filters read by the QC-Synchronizer server is 500, but there is an undocumented and **un-supported** way to increase the number beyond 500 to , say 800 (no directions given here).
HP sets limits on the maximum number of list items read by QC-Synchronizer for performance reasons.

You have 2 solutions to the issue:

1) PREFERRED: ''Weed-out' your Pubic filter list to a number well-below 500, and keep only a few Private filters for the QC user using the link (keep Public + Private filters < 500). 2) Contact your QC-support and ask how to change the ''PostgreSQL parameter MAX_NUMBER_FILTERS to a larger number''. this is NOT supported and you may have trouble getting the directions/various passwords, etc. Hint: ask them how to restore a backup of your QC-sync/Postgres DB.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on July 7, 2014 8:50 pm

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