Questions related to ALM 15.5.1 patch 2 application migration from On-Premise to Azure Cloud.
Question ID: 110450


1. Application version is 15.5.1 patch 2 and hosted on Windows 2016 Standard 64bit OS.
2. Application is using Oracle with NLS Character set: AL32UTF8
3. Users communicates with application using HTTS.
4. Admins access application smart repository filesystem using secure FTP.
5. Application is further integrated with LDAPS, SSO and FTPS
6. There are around 1000 projects ( 400 Inactive, 600 Active )

Activity details:

1. Application Servers ( 2 nodes ) with all their content will be moved as-is to Azure Cloud, application server’s name will be same, IP will be different.
2. Application Database Instance will be moved as-is to Azure Cloud, database instance name and IP will be different, but inside site admin schema and project schemas name and content will remain same as on-premise.
3. Application Repository NAS Filer will be moved as-is to Azure Cloud, repository filer name and IP will be different, but inside project folder and content will remain same as on-premise.
4. Application have to be reconfigured and spin up in Cloud.
5. Application and Application Server components will be decommissioned in On-premise.


As the application components ( App server, DB and Repository ) are now individually migrated to cloud with App Server having same name and DB/Repository having different names.
When we try to spin up application by starting the service, application wont spin up as the migrated components ( App Server, DB, Repository ) are not yet configured/linked.


1. What are the configuration steps that we have to follow to reconfigure the migrated App Server with the migrated database and migrated repository in Cloud?
2. Is there a need to update to update any application server files on both app nodes, which files have to be modified and what are the changes that have to be done?
3. Is there a need to update any tables in SiteAdmin and Individual project database schemas, are there any update commands available?
4. Is there a need to update individual project dbid.xml files? what are the changes that have to be done?
As we have 1000 projects, how can we bulk update the DBID.xml of these 1000 projects with new DB and repository path changes at once, is there any utility?
5. Do we have to change any Site Admin parameters to reference the new DB and repository paths?
6. What are critical validation activities that we need to consider for this activity?
7. Are there any KB documents or helpful references available for above activities?
8. What are the risks and challenges we might anticipate in this whole activity?

I appreciate your help in advance.

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Asked on April 8, 2023 4:09 am

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