Receiving errors when trying to use the ALM excel add-in
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Hello. We are receiving errors when trying to use the ALM Excel Addin in Excel. The user was able to login successfully on a previous machine, but after upgrading to a Windows 10 machine, they are receiving the following errors. We are currently using ALM 12.50 Patch 1 with MS Office 2016. I would also like to add that in Excel, I am seeing the tabs HPE ALM and HP ALM Upload Add-ins. Can you please assist me with this issue? Thanks! Error #1: Method ‘SetHookOnKillFocusMessage’ in type ‘HP.ALM.Analysis.ExcelAddin.Core.AddinCore’ from assembly ‘HP ALM Analysis ExcelAddin Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=792843134cf0407a’ does not have an implementation. Error #2: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
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