Removing inactive users
Question ID: 106311

We have several hundred users listed in site admin, but only about 75 are actively being used. Many of the others are offshore contractors that are no longer employed by us. I’d like to remove these obsolete users that are no longer in our system, are there any issues with deleting users in QC?

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Posted by (Questions: 122, Answers: 3)
Asked on August 7, 2015 2:08 pm
Answers (2)
Private answer

If your QC version is 11 and above, it is best to leave the user as is, and deactivate the user (instead of deleting them).

This to ensure the data integrity for the test/defect/requirements that has been assigned to that user.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 2)
Answered on August 10, 2015 1:05 pm
Private answer

If these users are no longer active, there will not be an issue removing them from site admin. The data entries in the projects will not change, only the user's ability to log in.

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Posted by (Questions: 3, Answers: 168)
Answered on August 7, 2015 2:08 pm

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