Requirements – how to segregate those that will have no test?
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I work in a place that is using ALM to house all requirements in ALM under a single release (example 1.0). When I run Requirement Traceability reports, they will never be 100% traced to tests because not all requirements will be tested. An example may be a requirements to build a process for purchasing. What is the best practice when an organization chooses to store all requirements in ALM for a project but they will not all be tested? We tried moving the ‘no test’ requirements to a separate folder in the release (called one folder Archive for rejected requirements and one folder NoTest for not testing on a requirement) but the traceability reports still include that folder. When I try to filter out to include only those folders that should be traced, I can’t get the syntax right…. it would be something like filter for Req Parent not = ^Requirements\\Project\\Archive^ and Req Parent not = ^Requirements\\Project\\No_Test^. Any ideas on how to resolve this?
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