Server logs are not purging, ran out of Disk Space
Question ID: 108100

Our logs for HP QC are from back to August 2016 when we first installed the application. In Site Admin page, we have ‘Event_Log_Purge_Period_Days’ set to 60, but the logs have not purged.

Our server ran out of disk space.. Is there another setting we need to do to get the logs to clear? We discovered it today when the images and attachments to defects were getting saved as 0 bytes.

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Posted by (Questions: 99, Answers: 7)
Asked on January 26, 2018 11:14 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

If your HDD (i.e. E:) where the logs are is running out of space due to just the logs (other culprit may be your project repositories growing), you can set You need to change the Max Log Days setting for your QC and SA logs as well as looking at the ''Log Level''.

Don't get confused - Site Parameters / ''Event Log max days'' is different than the QC and SA logs ''max days''.

Many times, they set to ''Debug'' instead of ''warnings'', this will greatly reduce the number of lines written and make the log files much smaller (debug is verbose).

By the way, after changing these settings, you need to cycle the ALM Service for it to take effect.

Also, after changing to 30, you still need to purge the older logs manually to get ''the ball rolling''.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 15)
Answered on January 26, 2018 11:21 pm

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