Server Muted after cycling services
Question ID: 106316

Recently, we had to stop/start (cycle) our QC12.2 Services and we now get a "Server Muted" error, but there is no detail about what is wrong.

We have had server muted errors before (from QC URL in IE) but usually they have a long JAVA error message below and you can get some information about whether it cannot get to the qcsiteadmin_db, bad password or something like that.
This time there is nothing there, only the message:

***Server on ‘MYSERVER’ has entered an unstable state, please contact your site administrator.
status=MUTED, label=QC server is muted due to an unrecoverable error***

![alt text][1]

[1]: /storage/temp/319-servermuted.png

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Posted by (Questions: 193, Answers: 14)
Asked on August 7, 2015 2:48 pm
Answers (2)
Private answer

We have seen this lately when someone ''changes'' the BASE_REPOSITORY_PATH in the Site Configuration parameters from the Site Configuration tab while trying to point QC to a DIFFERENT repository path.
There was another EyeOnTesting post recently where someone changed the path and it was not fully defined (now in 12.x, QC expects the whole repository-related structure to be there).

Another way this can happen is if you are using a network shared location for your repository (perhaps as part of an ALM server cluster) and something changes in the way your QC Service user gets to that location (password expired, alias domain changes, other network changes).

In your case, it sounds like no EXPLICIT change was done to the path, but this ''just happened'' after a service cycle leading me to believe that this was a ''system'' change behind the scenes.

Check the value of BASE_REPOSITORY_PATH row in the PARAMS table in the qcsiteadmin_db schema/database used by your instance of QC. Confirm the path exists and that it has the SAME structure and files as the ORIGINAL one (copying all but the actual project repository folders from ORIGINAL is a good start). Also, if a shared location (\machineNamepath) check that it is still valid for the service user to use -- some companies will ''retire'' and alias from time to time.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on August 7, 2015 2:53 pm
Thanks! We DID have a shared location (not clustered, though). Without telling us, the network guys took away an alternate domain we used to use to get to our share. For the longest time, we had 2 network designations of the upper level in our company network and they jut revoked/retired one a few days ago -- exactly when out issue started in QC.
( at August 7, 2015 2:57 pm)
Private answer

I have also seen this same error situation in the instance where the free disk space and/or available memory has been depleted as well. Just something else to be made aware of and pay attention as for a possible source of this error condition.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 770)
Answered on August 7, 2015 9:24 pm

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