“Server on ‘XXX’ has entered an unstable state, please contact your site administrator” in ALM?
Question ID: 109635


  We have recently received the following error:

 “Server on ‘XXX’ has entered an unstable state, please contact your site administrator.

status=MUTED, label=QC server is muted due to unrecoverable error, cause=null,”  We are unsure what happened as it was running fine.  We changed out DB over to another server recently and when we decommissioned the DB server is when it seems the issue started.  Where should we look and what should we start investigating to help resolve this issue?



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Posted by (Questions: 379, Answers: 35)
Asked on June 22, 2020 11:34 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hi HomerJ,

I have seen this issue several times in the past.  It sounds like something is not accessible to the server during the start up routine.  The system needs to be able to connect to the DB server and then verify the repository during the starting of the services. If the password for the service account, the td user, and/or the td admin users have had their password changed, expired, or the account has been disabled this can cause this issue.  This issue can also occur if those accounts have had their permissions changed as well.

If none of these things occurred then since you have recently changed the DB server and decommissioned the old one, you need to check the old log files for failures (to include the java wrapper file log created during services startup) and  the qcconfig.html file to see if the files for the DB related services and the Base repository location are correct.  Lots of times these locations are inaccessible by the ALM application server and they are needed to get the services started.  If you have decommissioned a server recently then maybe one of the required locations was on that server and is now unavailable.

These are where I would start and if the condition is affecting production I would recommend that you open a case with your support team to address this as a critical issue.


Hope this helps,


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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 770)
Answered on June 22, 2020 11:49 am
We looked where you said and the repository had been located on a location that was inaccessible. we corrected that issue and the services restarted without issue. Thanks for giving us pointers of where to look and the direction to start investigating.
( at June 22, 2020 11:51 am)

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