SiteScope dont load
Question ID: 110215

Hello All,

We had to uninstall Java and point the applications to OpenJDK, Since SItescope comes with OpenJDK have set the JAVA_HOME to sitescope JDK

but after login to Sitescope i get Java error, attached is the screenshot of error

I also get timeout error while adding sitescope monitors in ALM PC

Following is the Sitescope version used


2018.08 | Build: SiteScope 11.51.131 64-bit JVM, Build 79

Can someone please advise on this


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Posted by (Questions: 16, Answers: 9)
Asked on October 18, 2021 5:38 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

For SiteScope 11.51.x


  • JRE version 8 (JRE 8 update162 is the latest certified version)
    • (the 64 bit installs with SiteScope)
    • ( IE11 will need 32 bit JRE 8_x to display the SiteScope pages/data 

  • Ensure that the JRE version for the client is the same as the JRE version on the server to support downloading of applets and FIPS, CAC configuration.

  • Tip: Java is installed as part of the SiteScope installation and should not be patched or updated independently. You can check the version of Java by going to <SiteScope installation directory>javabin and running the following from the command line:

java –server –fullversion




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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on October 20, 2021 8:02 am
Hello David Thanks for the update, but when site scope itself comes with JDK? do we still need to install JAVA? will it not work if i point JAVA Home and Path in sitescope server with Site scope's jdk path? Also we have asked from our administration to use Redhat jdk in place of Oralce is this supported? at first place if Sitescope JDK will do the job then i dont have to put Redhat JDK in server is my thought Please advise
( at October 21, 2021 1:05 pm)
Also today i have installed Redhat jdk8 32bit but still the page doesnt load had pointed java home and path to redhat openjdk8 32bit
( at October 21, 2021 1:17 pm)

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