UFT not recognizing sample flight application objects.
Question ID: 107819

I’m trying to record a test using UFT with the sample fight application. I installed the WPF add-on. After recording, I’m getting code with no WPF objects.

Window("HPE MyFlight Sample Applicatio").Click 215,103
Window("HPE MyFlight Sample Applicatio").Type "john"
Window("HPE MyFlight Sample Applicatio").Click 205,234
Window("HPE MyFlight Sample Applicatio").Type "hp"
Window("HPE MyFlight Sample Applicatio").Click 179,352
Window("HPE MyFlight Sample Applicatio").Close

When I try to run the above, I get the following error:

> Cannot identify the object "HPE
> MyFlight Sample Applicatio" (of class
> Window). Verify that this object’s
> properties match an object currently
> displayed in your application.
> Description
> Cannot identify the object "HPE
> MyFlight Sample Applicatio" (of class
> Window). Verify that this object’s
> properties match an object currently
> displayed in your application.

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Posted by (Questions: 387, Answers: 66)
Asked on July 31, 2017 2:06 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

There are 3 things you need to check.

1. Ensure you launch UFT prior to launching the flight application.
2. With your test loaded, go to ''File>Settings>Properties'' and then check the 'Associated add-ins' box. Ensure WPF is present and checked. If not, click the Modify button and select WPF.
3. Go to ''Record>Record And Run Settings...''. For each tab present, select the top radio button that says, ''Record and run test on any open {Windows-based application, browser, etc}''

Once you have done the above, try to record again. The code should look like this:

WpfWindow(''HP MyFlight Sample Application'').WpfEdit(''agentName'').Set ''john''
WpfWindow(''HP MyFlight Sample Application'').WpfEdit(''password'').SetSecure ''597f38ad85b47efe95f1''
WpfWindow(''HP MyFlight Sample Application'').WpfButton(''OK'').Click

Marked as spam
Posted by (Questions: 18, Answers: 807)
Answered on July 31, 2017 2:08 pm
Those steps made it work for us too, thanks!
( at July 31, 2017 2:10 pm)

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