This is most likely due to a conflict with your Java application and UFT's Java support due to UFT creating the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable upon installation of the Java Add-in.
Launch your Java app using options ''-Xrunmicsupp'' & ''-Xbootclasspath'' to the command line to load Java support (without using the environment variables).
java -Xrunjvmhook -Xbootclasspath/a:
By default, is ''binjava_sharedclasses;binJAVA_S~1classesjasmine.jar''
Default for UFT:
''C:Program Files (x86)HPUnified Functional Testingbinjava_sharedclasses'';''C:Program Files (x86)HPUnified Functional Testingbinjava_sharedclassesjasmine.jar''
java -Xrunjvmhook -Xbootclasspath/a:C:PROGRA~1HPQUICKT~1binJAVA_S~1classes;C:PROGRA~1HPQUICKT~1binJAVA_S~1classesjasmine.jar -jar C:SwingSet2SwingSet2SwingSet2.jar
To make it easy, you can create a .bat file for launching. Hope this helps!