When trying to create attachments on our cloud server, I get the following error message:
Failed to create attachment(s); Failed to create attachment ; Failed to add new attachment record to project ‘com.hp.alm.platform.connection.authentication.ThreadSafeCachedSessionContext@234928cc’; Failed to add audit log;entity ‘BUG’; entity id=56; user ‘admin’; session=14453577; action ‘UPDATE’; [Mercury][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("DEFAULT_QC_TRIAL_PROJECT_DB"."AUDIT_LOG"."AU_ACTION_ID") Failed SQL: /* ~~QC */ INSERT INTO AUDIT_LOG(AU_FATHER_ID,AU_USER,AU_SESSION_ID,AU_TIME,AU_ACTION,AU_ENTITY_TYPE,AU_ENTITY_ID,AU_DESCRIPTION) VALUES(/*P*/-1,/*P*/’admin’,/*P*/14453577,(SYSDATE),/*P*/’UPDATE’,/*P*/’BUG’,/*P*/’56’,/*P*/’Attachment added: BUG_56_CPE2.xlsx’);
After some research, I found where lack of memory would cause this error, to display. That isn’t the case here. We have lots of available memory available. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.