Unable to reorder test instances in ALM after upgrade
Question ID: 108896

Hello. We just recently upgraded from ALM v11.52 to v12.60, and I am unable to reorder test instances in Test Lab like I did when we were using v11.52. In v11.52, when I performed the following steps in Test Lab, the tests would display in the correct order, but now in v12.60, those same steps do not produce the same results. Nothing I have tried produces the same results that I received when using v11.52.

– Access the ‘Execution Flow’ tab
– Select all of the test instances
– Open the 'Order Test Instances' dialog
– Click 'OK'
– The tests are now displayed in a single vertical column
– Access the ‘Execution Grid’
– Remove a test instance from the test set
– Access the ‘Execution Flow’ tab
– The tests are now displayed in two vertical columns
– Select all of the tests once again
– Open the 'Order Test Instances' dialog
– Click 'OK'
– The tests are once again displayed in a single vertical column

Can you advise if this is the expected behavior for this version, or is it a defect within ALM?

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Posted by (Questions: 239, Answers: 31)
Asked on February 21, 2019 3:48 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hello. I have seen this issue before, and it appears to have started back in v12.00. According to Micro Focus, this is a known issue, and the change request can be viewed by clicking the following link.


Currently the change request is in a deferred state, which means that the issue has been reviewed and it has been determined that it is a valid request, however they are unable to address the issue at this time. The change request may be reviewed in the future as they evaluate the request against other business needs.

If you would like, you can use the following workaround until Micro Focus provides a solution for this issue. After you have removed the test instance from the test set, perform the following steps to get the tests back into the same order they were before the test instance was removed or added to the test set.

- In the 'Execution Flow' tab, right-click on one of links between the test instances
- Select 'Remove all Execution Conditions'
- Re-select all of the test instances displayed in the 'Execution Flow' tab
- Open the 'Order Test Instances' dialog
- Click 'OK'
- The tests are now displayed in a single column as they were before removing the test from the test set.

I am currently working with Micro Focus to see if we can get a solution for this issue. If you would like, you can register to receive email updates when and if any changes are made to the change request by clicking the 'Register to receive e-mail notifications' link located on the change request. I hope you find this information helpful.

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 300)
Answered on February 21, 2019 3:49 pm

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